We had lots of fun paddle boarding and walking on the beach. The town was amazing, and so were their sweets. The Coast Guard letting us camp there was definitely new for me, but it was lots of fun! I think this was one of my favorite campouts so far!- Morgan
This campout was favorite among many scouts, and we are planning to to do it again in the future! The campout brought out a lot of character, fun and was completely scout led with adult leaders supervising. It will go down in our treasured, troop memories, as we plan to have new scouts join us in our fun!!!
Introducing the inaugural youth scouts and 1st female leaders from Troop 319 inducted into the Order of the Arrow. Morgan, Camille, Desiree, and Beth. It was a wonderful weekend!
Congratulations Olivia Martinez for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout on February 8, 2021. Troop 319 celebrates your achievement with pride!
AuthorsThe Historian and the Scribe keep the history and notes of all Troop 319 activities. Archives
July 2021
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